As part of Thailand’s Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) strategy, a seminar focusing on the bioeconomy’s role in sustainable development took place on 14 January 2025 at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) Bangkhunthien Campus. The event attracted a combined audience of 50 participants, both in person and online. The seminar highlighted the integration of biological resources, innovative technologies, and eco-friendly practices to foster a sustainable society and economy. Organized by KMUTT in collaboration with the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) and supported by Hub Net Zero, the event featured two prominent experts: Prof. Dr. Lene Lange, CEO of LL-BioEconomy from Denmark and Dr. Warinthorn Songkasiri, Director of the Biochemical Engineering and Systems Biology Research Group at BIOTEC in Thailand.

The event commenced with welcome remarks from Asst. Prof. Dr. Bunyaphat Suphanit, Director of the Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute (PDTI), followed by an opening address by Prof. Dr. Navadol Laosiripojana, Director of the Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE) at KMUTT.

Prof. Lange’s presentation emphasized the immense potential of biomass utilization, particularly from waste sources such as food waste, crop residues, residual microbial mass, forestry waste, and blue biomass. She also underscored the critical role of fungal enzymes in converting diverse types of biomass. Prof. Lange reviewed the global momentum in bioeconomy initiatives led by key biomass-producing countries, such as:
- Thailand’s adoption of the BCG model in 2021
- China’s 5-Year Plan for Bioeconomy Development in 2022
- The US’s Inflation Reduction Act supporting biological resource use in 2022
- India’s BioE3 policy in 2023, and
- Brazil’s G20 Presidency declaring ten principles for advancing the global bioeconomy in 2024.
Additionally, Italy’s G7 Chairmanship in 2024 proposed bioeconomy discussions on the G7 agenda. Meanwhile, the European Union is advancing its regulatory framework and fostering international collaboration to accelerate biotechnology and bioeconomy. Key actions include the inclusion of biotechnology in the EU Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) and the launch of a unitary patent system simplifying patent protection.
With enzymes being the driver for bioeconomy development, Prof. Lange introduced her pioneering work on peptide pattern recognition (PPR) and conserved unique peptide patterns (CUPP) methods for rapid, function-targeted enzyme discovery. She concluded by outlining potential pathways for enhancing bilateral (Denmark-Thailand) and regional (EU-ASEAN) collaboration through platforms such as the World Bioeconomy Association, the Global Bioeconomy Summit, and the Young Bioeconomy PhD/Scientist International Collaboration Program.

Dr. Warinthorn’s presentation provided an update on the national and regional bioeconomy strategy, highlighting the Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) model. This model, pioneered by the Thai research community and subsequently adopted by the Thai Government as a national agenda, aims to drive Thailand toward sustainable development. She also showcased several key initiatives led by Thailand to advance the regional bioeconomy, including:
• The Molecular Rice Breeding Program for the Mekong Region,
• The Capacity Building on Circular Economy, Resource and Energy Efficiency for Productivity and Sustainability of Cassava Chain to High Value Products: Cassava Root, Native Starch, and Biogas in Mekong Countries (CCC) Project
• The ASEAN Network on Microbial Utilization, and the ASEAN BCG Network.

Following the seminar, Prof. Lange was given a tour to various research facilities, namely the Algal Biotechnology Laboratory, the JGSEE Research Laboratory, the Excellent Center of Waste Utilization and Management (ECoWaste), and the Center of Excellence in Enzyme Technology and Microbial Utilization.

This seminar offered a valuable platform for knowledge exchange on bioeconomy initiatives, fostering international collaboration and advancing sustainable development in alignment with Thailand’s BCG strategy.